From Covid To Courage Day 2

Nathan Weselake   -  

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Covid to Courage Day 2


Day 2 -Acknowledge Your Worth.


You know the song. We sing it probably once a month at PAC. It has the lyric, “who am I that the highest King would welcome me, I was lost but you brought me in, oh your love for me.” Probably just that bit is enough to get you humming the tune. Keep it in your head. Better yet, go play it. These lyrics on the surface are about identity, but they are also about fear. More precisely, they identify one of the barriers we need to break down if we are going to leave fear behind. I’ll explain.

One of the silliest barriers keeping us from receiving peace is our belief that God is frustrated by our neediness.

We believe He would rather have us deal with our fear on our own. But this is wrong. We know it is wrong because the idea isn’t supported by the Bible. And we also know, if a belief we have about ourselves doesn’t come from Scripture it is helpful to identify where the lie comes from.

In this case:

Maybe we project on God our own fatigue with a needy person in our life who keeps reaching out to us?

Maybe we have had people in our lives who have told us to get over “it”, whatever “it” was, and so we keep “it” to ourselves?

Maybe we just have low self-esteem and our inability to get over fear makes it worse?

Those are three suggestions. Take Soul Care if you want to dive into that further!

But for now, let’s worry less about discovering the source of the lie and instead settle our hearts on the clear truth. Make no mistake, it is high on God’s agenda to help you with your fear. He sees you. He cares. He doesn’t resent the intrusion. He believes you are worth it and He isn’t troubled by your requests for help. In fact, in many cases in the Bible, He proactively reaches out to help. Occasionally offering His services to people who aren’t even seeking them.

You can imagine the surprise when God reaches out uninvited to help! Often the response is a mix of suspicion and misguided humility. The phrase from the song above “Who am I?” pops up over and over as character after character in the Bible second guesses the specific interest of God in their lives. Sometimes they even explain to God why their life is not worthy of any attention or grace.

Not once does He ever agree with them.

When they express their feelings of unworthiness it is made very clear that God has not made a mistake. Not once does God go, “Oh, you are right! You are not worthy.” No, they are the ones who have made a mistake about their value, not Him.

It is the same for you.

Accept the fact that YOU are the one HE has His eye on. That YOU are the one He wants to calm. That YOU are the one He will empower.

Settle in your heart once and for all that the one who can calm your fears, wants to.

A central part of His majesty and greatness is found in His ability to pay attention to the details of your life. His interest in you doesn’t diminish His glory, it elevates it.

Further Reading:
Luke 12

Key Verse:
“Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”
Luke 12:6-7

Calibration Prayer:

God, thank you for your attention to me. I sit quietly now in this moment and feel your gaze. I hear you say, “Do not be afraid.” I affirm I am worth more than a bird. I feel your fingers counting my hair.