Stumbling Towards The Promise: Week 3, Day 2

Nathan Weselake   -  

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Stumbling Week Three Day Two

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Week #3

Day 2

Isaiah 58:7 / Genesis 33 / Psalm 131


Who hasn’t looked at a baby snuggled up in the lap of its parent and been envious? Not a care in the world! Some of us would give almost anything to feel that way again. But, like Jacob, we’ve made messes of things and live in a complex world; it is hard for our reflexes to not be rooted in fear.

Despite God’s recent work in Jacob’s life, he seems to need to manage the situation and not accept Esau’s invitation. The images of security in today’s Psalm challenge us with the idea that, even in the midst of fear, complexity, and scarcity, we can truly rest. And of course, until we enter into that rest, we will find it difficult to live with the generosity, love, and hospitality God invites us to participate in (Isaiah 58:7).

“What am I not really believing about God which is causing me to be so scared?”


Father, if I am honest, I spend most of my life managing my fear – making sure I have what I need to keep fear at bay. I’m tired of working so hard to hold it together. I’d like to just rest like a baby for a bit. Thank you for the invitation to trust you completely. Help me to look at you instead of what I cannot control.